Recommendation For Style Update

Submit your recommendation for our upcoming Style Update here.

In each Style Update containing a recommendation from you, next to it we'll mention your name together with your photo an also link to you. Participate to catch the attention of your fashion oriented target audience and generate new visitors / followers!

We include your recommendation into an article (together with the recommendations of others), which we publish on our website and additionally promote on our social media channels as well as in our corresponding email newsletter.

Following conditions apply:

  • Only fashion products can be recommended, meaning single pieces of clothing.
  • You cannot recommend your own products, of course.
  • Your recommendation has to be neutral and honest – hence you must not receive any money or other benefits (product samples or the like) in any form from the manufacturer, designer, brand or seller of the recommended piece. Furthermore, any recommendation you submit here, must not be an offered or promised added benefit to one of your advertisers.
  • You can only recommend a piece here, if you didn't receive money or benefits in any form from its manufacturer, designer, brand or seller within the previous 4 months and at the time of your recommendation don't have aggreed upon a future promotion, either.
  • Your recommendation is not entitled to consideration.

Instagram Link (only if alternatively you don't upload your own photo below – we prefer an Instagram link):

(Please don't link to your own Instagram account. The linked Instagram post must picture the recommended piece – but ideally only the product itself .. no outfit shoot where it is just a part of it.)

Own Picture:

(Please upload your own photo of the recommended piece, but only if you didn't provide an Instagram link above).

Recommendation Title:

(Please state a relevant and meaningful title for the recommended piece, phrased factually and neutrally, mentioning the product type, at least one attribute and preferably also its brand, e.g. "Silk Jogging Pant From [Brand]") – at least 20, maximally 200 characters


(Please give a meaningful description of your recommendation, e.g. why you like it, what's so special about it, on which occasions it could be worn, how to combine it and the like. – at least 200, maximally 1.500 characters

Name To Mention:

(Please state the name we should include besides your recommendation – either your full personal name, your first name, name of your project or a combination like "Anna from [ / My Project]").

My Full Name:

(Please give your full real name here; necessary only if you didn't already state it above.)


(Please state a link, e.g. to your website or Instagram, where we should link your name to.)

My Photo:

(Please upload a photo of you here, which we'll place beside your recommendation.)

Link To Shop:

(Optional, if known and possible. If so, please link directly to the piece in the online shop. Please no link to an own shop of you and no affiliate link. We reserve not to use or alter the link.)

My Email Address:

(Will not be published and used only for possible queries regarding your recommendation and to inform you when it was included.)

I allow Stylebetsy to use my texts and photo (if uploaded) in texts and videos on its websites, social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat etc.) and email newsletters. I assure that I'm the originator of the texts and photo (if uploaded) or have obtained explicit consent from their originator to grant Stylebetsy these usage rights. I agree to the conditions above and assure their observance.

 Please mark checkbox for approval.